I needed to seriously lose some weight I had my sisters wedding coming up, I was bridesmaid, I had my sons holy communion the following year and I had my husbands 40th birthday so I had three things that I had to go and do something to lose a bit of weight. I have lost eight stone just over eight stone ya in total. I was terrified to be honest the first time I made the appointment I cancelled I was so scared the second time I said just go someone else said being here a friend of mine recommended said come in try it give it a go you will love it. I joined came in the first day joined the kick-start did six weeks loved it loved the guys on the desk the personal trainers the classes etc so I came back for another six weeks and here I am still two years later still doing personal training and classes etc. Its such a novelty and I keep saying it like I can just go into any shop and just go ya I like that they have my size its great so I can buy it and go away home again so I have a whole new wardrobe which is just fabulous and I am still buying new things even this winter now I have no coats I have no shoes I need a body warmers all sorts of things again the other day so its great any excuse to go shopping really. I remember day one when I met Barry the very first time and I was sitting down on the floor there and I was thinking I am never gonna do this and he said you will have faith in me and just he said take it every single week he said just do it week by week he said and you’ll get through it and he was right and I think those words that day really stuck with me and it just drove me on all the time to keep going and achieving my goal and once you come inside the door I am telling you you’ll be looked after, they will go through everything with you and its step by step all the way they’ll hold your hand through the whole journey and I am telling you, you won’t look back if you do it, I haven’t looked back.